Apr 30, 2013

Buns for Days

I helped host a baby shower last weekend, with friends Stephanie and Chrissie, for probably the most loved girl I know. Our dear friend Kristi is a total girls-girl with the funnest, most bubbly personality you'll ever meet. We always say the party never starts until Kristi arrives. She has this magnetic presence that just makes people happy and calm and filled with joy and love. In short, she's wonderful and I love her so-so much! Also, she's the most talented hair girl in town and she's been working her buns off to get all of us in before she goes on maternity leave.

She's about to pop with baby number 3, her second boy. Even though she had a shower with her son Oliver,who's 18 months now, we still feel like her new baby and pregnancy should be celebrated -- so I came up with the shower theme "Buns for Days". The invitation invited guests to bring a simple gift to help mom out with all those buns {she'll have two babes in diapers}. She received diapers, wipes, creams, soaps, etc. It worked out perfectly. As a side note, Kristi has great buns herself. It's all about the buns! 

I made all the decor in theme colors of minty blues, bronzy golds, and persimmon reds. The decor for this shower was SUPER easy and probably the cheapest I've ever spent on a party. I thought it turned out super cute though. 

 I always grab empty wine boxes when I go to Costco (did you know you can do that? Awesome right?) so I have a big stack in the garage. I painted a few with stencils and painters tape so they were basically free.

Mobil made out of free paint chips, leftover burlap and an old hanger. Again free. I hung it in Indy's room after the shower. It matches perfectly! BAM!

 Kristi had a beautiful maternity shoot done by our friend Mandy. She brought me the prints and I put them in some old frames and surrounded them with flowers from my garden. FREE! Crap, Kristi is going to read this and realize how cheap I am. 

Another banner made from free paint chips. 
I always save my pasta sauce jars and clean them for projects. I used gold gilding and painters tape and turned them into flower vases. We used lots of beautiful flowers from my yard. The only ones purchased were these hydrangea, by Stephanie
 Now to the good stuff. We decided to serve desserts + drinks and I was SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to attempt making Kristi's favorite dessert from Extraordinary Desserts. It's a Tropical Crème brûlée Pavlova and it rocks. Everyone said it was delish and Mama Kristi approved. I think I'll post the recipe later this week. 

Stephanie brought Kristi's favorite chocolate cake from Costco and Chrissie brought tons of fresh fruit to serve with the desserts. It was dessert heaven. 

 I made a few Crème brûlée's too. 

 I made both mini and larger Pavlova's -- Just in case people wanted to taste a few things. Hey, I like options. Don't you? Of course my option was to have a huge Pavlova with a huge side of chocolate cake. I don't mess around. 

We served Sparkling Basil Lemonade. It's delish! 

 Here's Kristi with just a portion of her diapers and wipes. She's got diapers and wipes for dayzzzzz. 
Chrissie had a great idea to give hand sanitizer as a party favor. I found a cute thank you note to tie on from Pinterest. Easy peasy!
 Here's all the shower crew. 
The hostesses with Mama. I'm a HUGE fan of co-hosting showers and parties. It was so much easier having help. It's like Wonder Pets always say, "What's gonna work? Team Work!!!". Thank you so much for all the help girls! Congrats Kristi!!! We all can't WAIT to meet that sweet baby boy! 
Lela, Kristi, Chrissie and Stephanie

1 comment :

  1. Aww!! I love you even more!!! Thank you so so much for making me feel so loved! And I'm still dying over the pavlova you made! INCREDIBLE!! You my dear, blow me away with all your amazing-ness!! So happy I got all I need for Buns for dayzzzz! You hostesses are the bestestes!!
