Jun 3, 2013

According to iPhone {6.3.13.}

After a busy week of traveling, I feel like it took me all this week to catch up. Laundry, cleaning and yard work up the wazoo. There was scattered evidence of our trip in every single room in the house. 
Indy started doing this thing with his foot. It's the cutest. 
The other day a friend asked me how to take the best pictures with iPhone. I realized it's all about lighting. All my best iPhone pics are shot in natural light. Like this one of Indy people watching out the window at the VW dealership. Melts my Mama heart. 
Indy's nickname is Bear. Mostly because he growls a lot, but also because he loves being outside in nature. He could play in the back yard  All. Day. Long. 
We went to the beach this weekend and Indy was checking out the babes. 
Then he was digging holes to bury his brothers...

We went to Coronado beach with the Meilsoes. The guys went boogie boarding then let us moms go out. We had a blast...except for my swim suit bottom kept getting blasted off by the waves. Sorry Erin. She got to see my bum quite a few times. 

Reality. Crazy beach hair and smeared mascara. 
After the beach we went back to Kristian and Erin's place and had a BBQ down by the pool and hot tub. I really miss having a pool. It feels so good after going to the beach all day. That day could easily be on repeat. 
Friends. Beach. Pool. Hot tub. BBQ. Repeat. 
..and then there was Sunday. Boyd boys in bow ties are the best.
Randomness. I use shampoo and conditioner to wash my make up brushes. I'm always excited to use clean brushes. Go clean your brushes! You'll love it too :)
The End. 

Side-note: You might think I only have one child. Nope, I have four. Somehow the baby is always the one who makes it into photos. Oops. I need to be better at that. You guys do that too, right?

1 comment :

  1. Word about the clean brushes! It seriously changes your life!
