Sep 4, 2013

Labor Day + Goodbye Summer

Labor Day is awesome. For our family it means last day of Summer and the beginning of a new school year. It usually means BBQ, friends and swimming and always ends with laying out clothes and an early bedtime. Our Labor Day was pretty chill, but fun. We took the kids swimming at the Meilsoe's and had chicken tacos with all the fixings. 

Goodbye hot summer. Hello School and Fall! Hello to the smells of pumpkin, apple cider, candles burning and baked goods baking. Hello to homework, early bedtime, shorter days and a daily routine. Hello to crisp mornings, warm afternoons and impending Holidays. Typing all that gave me goosebumps. I'm a happy Mom. 

The End. 

1 comment :

  1. I love Indy scratching his butt crack. Haha! And amen to fall! You have no idea how much I am anticipating its arrival!
